About Karuk Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land, California

About Karuk Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land, California

The Karuk Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land are located in California. The reservation is home to the Karuk people, who have lived in the area for centuries. The off-reservation trust land is owned by the federal government and used for various purposes, including farming, ranching, and recreation.

The Karuk people have a long and rich history in the area. They were some of the first people to settle in California and have always been a part of the state’s history. The reservation was created in 1864, and the off-reservation trust land was acquired in 1873. The two areas have been used by the Karuk people for hunting, gathering, and other activities.

The reservation and off-reservation trust land are important to the Karuk people. They provide a place for the Karuk to live and practice their culture. They also play an important role in the economy of the region. The reservation is home to many businesses, including a casino, hotel, and golf course. The off-reservation trust land is used for farming, ranching, and recreation.

The Karuk people are proud of their heritage and culture. The reservation and off-reservation trust land are an important part of that heritage.

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